27/6/06 portions: 14
Today was fine, neither here nor there. Did a big shop today -- why do I want to shop for millions of things when I'm already laden down (with laptop and extra bag)? To celebrate our last week at work, we're having a potluck, though I don't know what you call it in this country. I'm going to make some aubergine parmesan in wraps. I did that once before, when I had extra grilled aubergine. First spread tomato sauce on the tortilla, then layer aubergine, cheeses (mozzarella and Parmesan) and some basil. Wrap. Grill in a frying pan to get some colour and crispiness and to melt the cheese a bit. Hope it works out again. But if it's good enough for me...
- 3 melon
1 banana
1 satsuma
1 pear
2 tomato soup
2 strawberries
1 apple juice
3 mixed, from dinner's pasta with spinach, red onion, herbs and feta dish
Great website to pass on -- Facts on Farts. Since taking on this challenge, I've been trumping like a trooper, though my life has certainly not been flatulence-free even before, as I am wedded to a vegetarian. The page consists of people asking questions, some being curious, like How much gas does a normal person pass per day?, others hilarious, such as Why are stinky farts generally warmer and quieter than regular farts?, to the downright ridiculous, Is it possible to get stoned after inhaling two or three farts in a row? Official answer: Don't Think So. Truly amazing.