Turning Japanese: 17 fruit and veg a day

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A reaction from the land of the rising sun

A very good friend of mine is living in Japan and has been living there since the 1990s -- practically native, she's even losing some of her English. Here's her reaction to my kooky scheme (originally written in MySpace):

    17??? good night, that's a lot! i doubt anyone actually suceeds in doing that by buying fruits and veggies and eating them sonomamade. [Not sure what that means.] nowadays everyone cheats and drinks mixed veggie/fruit juices that claim to give you all the V..F you need for one day. one of the famous ones is called "AOJIRU." it literally translates to mean blue soup. i guess in the old days there was no word for green...and everything green was called blue. so it actually means green juice. (just like the traffic lights in japan -- a green light is called ao shingou instead of midori shingou [obviously, ao is Japanese for blue; midori is green]) anyways...enough of the japanese lesson of which you probably already know. we cheat. probably no one truly does it without cheating. but ganbatte [good luck] in trying anyways, ne.


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